
Do guys dig scars?

Yesterday I had a follow-up for a mole I had removed a bit ago - and it was found to be precancerous. So, with yesterday's check up, the doctor said he could see some cells growing back. So, after 2 shots of anesthetic (he said my skin's resiliant!) and lots of tears later (I couldn't help it) I finally again, had the mole removed. Hopefully I won't ever have to go through that again. It was so painful.

Because he wanted to go down further, and cut out as much of the cells as possible, I'm now the proud owner of some scars. Well, just one to be exact. Yes, I'm 25 years old and this is my first official "scar." I have about 3 or so stitches behind my knee. I walk like a gimp right now (I don't want them to pull out!). And I also had another mole shaved off on my scalp. Good times, huh?

When I told my mom, she said the moles is from my "dad's side." How easy it is to blame these imperfections on him! And when I told my dad, he said "well, we have moles, but your mom's side does too!". I see a pattern here - Blame game anyone?

It was just one thing after another yesterday. I was relieved when I was able to call it a day at work and just head home. I finally finished all those reports (another one magically appeared in my inbox late yesterday....) and I've done my good task for the week. Or it's the third, fourth, or fifth.....



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