
Made it

Well, yesterday was definately an interesting night. There were so many screaming kids and lots of people and talking and wow. I was just excited to get back to my quiet little house.

Meeting his sister-in-law was NOTHING like I had imagined her to look like. Which is odd because she has pictures of herself on myspace. So I guess they're just REALLY old pictures. Anyways, she talks. A lot. And is definately a character. J's sis didn't bring wine so I ran to the store to grab some. And chocolate. MMMm. Chocolate. It was the good kind too.

Anyways, I attempted to watch American Idol. But with 3 kids, 5 adults, it was a bit challenging. I do have it on Tivo. But I got the basic gyst of it. I am so torn on who should stay, and who should go. I really like Blake. But I know that no matter what, he'll do good in his career. And Jordin and Melinda are just so similar with their styles and abilities that it's hard to choose. I guess I'll know more after this week, and then definately after next week!

Poor J. He's at home sick right now. He was telling me last night he didn't feel well. I went to sleep (am I horrible for that?) and he stayed up most of the night in the bathroom. So this morning he calls me cuz he's on his way home. Apparently yesterday him and 2 co-workers got a pizza and all 3 of them are sick. So at least we know it's not the flu. Cuz I wouldn't want to catch that!

I'm going to run home at lunch to check on him. Now that I know he isn't contagious. Hee hee.



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